8 Signs You Deserve A Better Partner
Being in a new relationship always feels great.
Even so, the first few months of the relationship are always the best.
We are not yet sure what kind of person we are dealing with and we do not know their real face.
In the beginning everyone wants to make a great first impression, so hide some of their undesirable traits.
Only later, when both of you are more comfortable, do you start to see things about them that you don’t like.
Nobody is perfect and you yourself have flaws that need to be taken into account.
Even at this stage in the relationship, we get to see the real person we’re with and have to make a decision.
Do we deserve to be in a relationship with this person and is they good for us?
This is the phase when you should be wondering if you are happy with this person.
What is certain is that the emotions can hardly be suppressed, but there are clear signs that you deserve better.
These can initially be small signs or alarming actions that call for a breakup.
Remind yourself that any problem you have in the relationship now will be twice as big in the marriage.
Again, nobody is perfect, but the shortcomings someone has need a certain type of partner for the relationship to be balanced.
In addition, the other’s shortcomings can become more apparent due to a lack of emotion and effort.
Either way, look out for the 6 clear signs that tell you you deserve better than your current relationship.
Perhaps a breakup is sometimes the best solution for both parties.
1. You are not mindful of your limits
Respecting boundaries is a very important factor in the early stages of the relationship.
For example, you may not be ready to meet his family in just a few months.
You may not be ready to become intimate yet, which the other party has to respect.
If your partner does this, he or she is not respecting your boundaries and that is definitely not a quality characteristic of a good relationship.
2. They expect that you will always be available for them
Spending a lot of time together in the beginning is completely normal, everything is new and exciting and you want to get to know the new person.
If your partner is too demanding and needy at the beginning, it can be unsettling.
He needs to know and respect your schedule without having to doubt your interests for every second.
If your partner is trying to make you feel like you need them instead of contributing to the relationship on an equal footing, it’s not a healthy dynamic for both of you.
You have to be realistic, and if your partner is too demanding at first, that neediness will later turn into an aversion.
3. They don’t treat you like a partner
A relationship is an equal exchange and you should get as much as you give.
A partner shouldn’t be the only contributor, and their efforts must be of equal value.
There also needs to be as much emotional support as there is romantic endeavor.
Besides making your partner feel like they are your companion and chosen one, they also need your support and encouragement.
If this is a problem at the beginning of the relationship, there is no guarantee that the partner will meet your needs in the long run.
4. They told you that they are not good enough for you
If your partner uses the phrase:
“I’m not good enough for you, you deserve better”
he tries to break up with you in a nice way, but sometimes he really means business.
Your partner is aware of your worth and wants the relationship to work, but he is emotionally broken.
If one party has emotional problems or is insecure, the whole relationship will suffer.
This is definitely something to work on, but only if your partner is willing to change.
5. They are not their priority
If the relationship is brand new, make plans to see your partner as often as possible.
But if someone is not making you their priority or is always “busy” then this should be a warning to you.
Your partner needs to get back to you on a daily basis and show you that he cares.
There needs to be a bond between the two of you and a willingness to see each other without being forced.
However, if your partner doesn’t make time for you or doesn’t involve you in their life, then they are not for you.
6. He avoids spending time with you
Does your partner often make excuses for not seeing you?
If he often says he’s busy and has a lot of other things to do with his friends and at work, that’s a pretty bad sign.
You shouldn’t see your partner as a burden, but as a blessing, and make time for them.
Even if he shies away from anything that interests you, he has no interest in really getting to know you.
Spending time together is important to the development of a relationship, and if that time cannot be used, the relationship will only stand still.
7. Everything he does for you feels like a waste to him
Have you ever felt that everything your partner does is not righteous?
He invited you for a nice dinner and later complained that you didn’t offer to split the bill.
Or has he thought twice about buying this rose for you and has he forgotten your birthday too?
It is important to know that a relationship is an equal exchange, but also that everything you put into it should come from the heart.
If they are investing in the relationship and are wondering if it is a good investment or complaining that they gave you something, then they are not really good people to be with.
8. They make a lot of excuses and always blame you
You definitely deserve better if your partner doesn’t take responsibility for their actions.
If he does something that offends you and then twists your words so that you seem like the bad guy, then there is a problem.
The only way to fix a problem in a relationship is through communication, and if there isn’t, then there is no solution.
Communicating with a good partner leads to a solution, but communicating with a toxic partner leads to an even bigger problem.
Healthy communication is really something that needs to be worked on in order for the relationship to last.