Where To Focus Your Efforts This December, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot


Your Card: Seven of Wands

You’ve never been one to back down in the face of adversity or opposition, don’t start now. Face your challenges head-on this month. The Seven of Wands asks you to assert yourself and take action, even if it means going against the norm or ruffling some feathers. Take risks and fight for what you truly desire. This card is also a call to stand firm in your values and beliefs, especially if it involves amplifying those in need or defending what’s right. Think about donating your time or resources to a cause you find meaningful.


Your Card: Nine of Cups

Your Card: Ace of Swords, reversed

It would be best if you focused on finding clarity before ringing in the new year. Only then will you be able to access your inner power. Turn your attention wherever you’re experiencing confusion or doubt. Gather the facts, be direct, ask the questions you need to ask, and get to the bottom of it. It’s also important that you reach enlightenment on whatever you’re refusing to see within yourself. The truth may be uncomfortable, but it’s required for personal growth.

Your Card: Three of Cups

The Three of Cups is a card of celebration, happiness, joyful gatherings, community, and friendship. Your focus this season should be spending time with those who matter the most to you. Nurture the connections with those in your support network. Be present with them. Break bread with them. Laugh with them. Create more special memories with them. Remind them, and yourself, of how important they are in your life.

Your Card: The World

Before embracing a new chapter come 2025, you need to focus on finding completion and closure this year. Tie up any loose ends that need tying up. Stop procrastinating and finish any incomplete projects this month. Have the conversations you’ve been avoiding. Let out all the feelings you’ve been shoving down deep inside. Truly let go of any situations or relationships that are well over their expiration date. Cut your unhealthy attachments to the past. Create space for new experiences, opportunities, and connections.

Your Card: Three of Pentacles, reversed

The reversal of the Three of Pentacles indicates that you’re struggling with a lack of harmony in one of your relationships—a friend, your significant other, a relative, or a colleague. Focus your efforts on getting on the same page this month. Address whatever issues and differences stand between you. Express your point of view and be respectful of theirs. Be willing to make certain compromises. Keep the line of communication open between you.


Your Card: The Hanged Man

You’ve been feeling stuck and indecisive, Libra. Contrary to popular belief, sometimes the best move is not to make a move at all. Your focus this month should be taking a step back, pressing pause, and finding a new perspective. Right now, you just need to surrender to stillness. You’re not going to get anywhere good by trying to force something, being impatient or impulsive, or making a choice for the sake of making a choice. Be patient, the answers will come to you.


Your Card: King of Swords, reversed

Your focus this month should be on working on being more flexible. The King of Swords shows up in reverse to encourage you to challenge your existing views, beliefs, and assumptions. Enter the new year and open to new perspectives and insights. To grow and continue evolving, you need to embrace new ideas. You’re a creature of metamorphosis and transformation, don’t confine yourself.


Your Card: The Star, reversed

You’re feeling disconnected from yourself. Life has been hard lately. The challenges you’ve faced have made you doubt your purpose. It feels like everything is working against you. Focus on finding hope again this month. Reinstate your faith in yourself. Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, ask yourself how you can learn and grow from it. You’re stronger and more capable than you’re giving yourself credit for right now. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off.


Your Card: The Hierophant, reversed

You’re a creature of tradition, habit, and practicality. You don’t tend to deviate from your tried-and-true methods. Once you’ve found something that works, you stick to it. You’re also a stickler for the rules you’ve set for yourself. Having a well-established formula is great, but sometimes it confines us. Challenge yourself to be more innovative this December. Step outside your comfort zone. Take a different approach. View things from a different perspective. Shake it up a little, Capricorn.


Your Card: Three of Wands

The Three of Wands is an exciting card of the future, manifestation, expansion, progression, growth, confidence, and looking ahead. Your focus this December should be on setting clear intentions for the new year. Spend some quiet time alone looking within and listening to your inner world. What is your heart’s true desire? What do you want to accomplish in 2025 personally, professionally, and romantically? What do you want your life to look like? Be specific. Visualize it. Work for it.


Your Card: Eight of Wands

Whatever you’ve been avoiding in your life, it’s time to confront it so that you can move forward. Where have you failed to take action? Where are you procrastinating? Are there realities you’ve been refusing to accept? How do you need to find completion or closure? What have you failed to plan for? Get the job done before the new year, Pisces.





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