Zodiac Signs

What Each Zodiac Needs To Read This Weekend

“Click Here To Discover What Men Secretly Want, But They Could Never Tell You.”


Maybe this is me finally understanding that sometimes love doesn’t happen for two people, no matter how badly you want it to. I am accepting the fact that sometimes the love you want isn’t the love you deserve or the love you need.

Maybe this is me grieving and finding my own closure. I am letting go of every moment I shared with you and tucking it away to become a distant memory. Maybe moving on is me trying to make sense of our togetherness and our parting and how sad it all was–till the very end.

Kelly Peacock, Loving, Longing, And Other Liminal Spaces

“Click Here to Find Aries Man Secrets You Need To Know”


It’s okay if I don’t forgive myself yet.
Right now I’m still hurting, and that’s okay.
Self-forgiveness is a journey–
For now, I just need to meet myself where I’m at.

Kelly Peacock, Loving, Longing, And Other Liminal Spaces

“Click Here to Find Taurus Man Secrets You Need To Know”


This is me no longer
allowing myself to be palpable,
fearing I take up too much space,
always anchoring my voice.
This is me believing that
I am so much more than someone to merely tolerate.

Kelly Peacock, Loving, Longing, And Other Liminal Spaces

“Click Here to Find Gemini Man Secrets You Need To Know”


It’s disappointing, really,
seeing it all for what it really was:
how I betrayed myself and my needs
in order to keep the peace,
to keep myself small enough
to fit in his pocket.
I won’t be a bother. I’ll just be here.

I wanted to receive love so badly
that I saw the crumbs he gave me as enough.
How unkind I was to myself,
letting this happen to me.
I know this isn’t something I can change,
but it is something I can forgive myself for.

Kelly Peacock, Loving, Longing, And Other Liminal Spaces

“Click Here to Find Cancer Man Secrets You Need To Know”


If you keep allowing a person into your life
who doesn’t properly fulfill your needs,
who doesn’t love with white-hot passion,
who doesn’t cherish you for all that you’re worth,
then this is not the person for you.
There’s no reason to surrender
to a closeness you’re uncertain about,
especially when you know–in your gut–
there is something so much greater
out there waiting for you.

Kelly Peacock, Loving, Longing, And Other Liminal Spaces

“Click Here to Find Leo Man Secrets You Need To Know”


I know that I have finally let you go
because I feel a delicate ease.
I feel the weight of
not being loved enough
My shoulders have lowered,
my jaw unclenched.
I have let you go,
and finally, I can exhale.
Finally, I can breathe.

Kelly Peacock, Loving, Longing, And Other Liminal Spaces

“Click Here to Find Virgo Man Secrets You Need To Know”


One day you’ll realize it: how, for so long, you’ve allowed yourself to be small. Graceful. A pleaser. You never took up too much space, never asked for your needs to be met, never let yourself step out of complacency. One day you’ll realize all of that, and it will be devastating, the way you broke your own heart. You’ll have ah ard time forgiving yourself for not respecting yourself enough to be loud, to be wanting, to be here.

One day everything will change. You’ll learn what your voice sounds like, what it feels like to take up space. Then, self-forgiveness will come–and it will come. You have to trust yourself enough to keep feeling. You have to trust yourself enough to keep healing.

Kelly Peacock, Loving, Longing, And Other Liminal Spaces

“Click Here to Find Libra Man Secrets You Need To Know”


It’s such a bitter way of living:
being merciful,
for fear of asking for your needs to be met.
Because the thing is, it is never too much.
The way they loved you just wasn’t enough.

Kelly Peacock, Loving, Longing, And Other Liminal Spaces

“Click Here to Find Scorpio Man Secrets You Need To Know”


When I think about love,
I think about selflessness.
To me, love has always been about giving.
But I see now how wrong this is,
how selfish that selflessness really was.
What I mean is:
how selfish of me
to give all my love and respect and grace
to someone else,
never leaving any of it for me.

Kelly Peacock, Loving, Longing, And Other Liminal Spaces

“Click Here to Find Sagittarius Man Secrets You Need To Know”


It’s not easy to admit that
you accepted crumbs and said it kept you full.
It’s not easy to admit that
you stuck to them out of fear.
It’s a gutted realization, but an important one–
you might feel starved,
but at least you’ll be free.

Kelly Peacock, Loving, Longing, And Other Liminal Spaces

“Click Here to Find Capricorn Man Secrets You Need To Know”


It is so goddamn powerful
to let yourself love and be loved again,
even after all the heartbreak
that made you feel unlovable.

Kelly Peacock, Loving, Longing, And Other Liminal Spaces

“Click Here to Find Aquarius Man Secrets You Need To Know”


To me, love has always been about sacrifice.
I want to know what it’s like
to choose myself instead.
I want to know how to quiet the guilt
and make love something I give myself
for once.

Kelly Peacock, Loving, Longing, And Other Liminal Spaces

“Click Here to Find Pisces Man Secrets You Need To Know”

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