Zodiac Signs

That’s why you keep falling in love with the wrong men (based on your zodiac sign)

Are you wondering why you keep falling in love with the wrong men? Often it’s just up to us, but if we take a deep look at ourselves and see the real problem, we have the best conditions to change something about it.

Astrology gives us great insight into our personality and the way we tick. Every zodiac falls in love differently, but why? Check out yours!

(March 21 to April 20)

You firmly believe that men are much better than they actually are. When you start to fall in love with someone, you are often blinded by your affection and rationalize your partner’s negative qualities to be able to convince yourself that they are not that bad.

It is not that you really choose the wrong men, but you struggle to see the men as they really are once your feelings are involved. When it comes to these things, you have to make extra efforts to maintain clarity.

You are proud to be able to think logically, but this is an area of ​​your life where you are easily lost. It is good to see everything positively, but you also have to learn to sometimes take things as they are and not to beautify them, so you will be spared some trouble.

(April 21 to May 20)

You are a little too hasty. Life exists in your head and that’s why you are happiest when things go well and make sense. The idea that other people are unable to find the right relationship and settle down in front of you can have a bad impact on you.

On the other hand, you can enter into a relationship and although you are not 100% sure of your partner, you are too clingy and want to maintain this kind of “perfect life”. A chaotic breakup is not part of your “perfect life” and you suffer much longer than necessary because you are unwilling to go through the necessary process to find your true soul mate.

(May 21 to June 21)

You become obsessed with men too quickly. This is not because you are gullible, but you are easily grasped by their positive qualities and love how you feel about these men. You are not necessarily blinded by love, but so much in love that you want to give yourself completely to that love without really looking at things from a more rational perspective.

You are actually an incredible life partner if you find the right person. You are loyal, devoted and would do anything to make your partner happy. The problem is that you’re too ready to give the men everything you want, even though they don’t care about you at all.

(June 22nd to July 22nd)

You are the most underrated romantic of the zodiac sign. While many people would attribute this title to Libra, in reality you are. You fall in love very quickly and intensively and very often live in your own little fairy tale.

This is a fairy tale that in most cases only exists in your head. You fall in love with men who return many of your emotions. That means you would be more likely to be with someone who gives you the feeling of being fulfilled or inspired.

If you combine your desire for attachment with the feeling of being understood, you are misinterpreting it by thinking that you have found the right partner. The good news is that when you are with the right person, you are a perfect partner. But the bad news is that you can change many partners until you find the right one.

(July 23rd to August 23rd)

You fall in love with the ideas of men and not with their real face. And these ideas fit your ego rather than your heart. You love how they look, treat you and how other people see you together. But none of these things are enough to develop true love. To find out what you’re really looking for, you have to do the thing you’ve been avoiding for so long, and be vulnerable enough to see who really suits you.

(August 24th to September 23rd)

You are too critical of your potential partners. While this may seem like you are having a hard time falling in love with someone, very often you will find someone you think is perfectly perfect. You think so because of your false expectations and get very angry if the relationship doesn’t work.

There is a difference between the type of person you think is “right” and the type of person with whom you actually connect and with whom you actually get along. There is no perfect person on that, but there is a person who fits you perfectly.

(September 24th to October 23rd)

You are desperately looking for a fairy tale. The scale is not designed to be alone. She is ruled by Venus and in most cases it means that she loves having a partner by her side. The Libra needs her better half and she needs to be loved.

This is particularly difficult for introverted or very independent scales. This combination usually means that they are resistant to the feeling of dependence on someone, while at the same time they long to be dependent on someone. They usually project all these longings onto the wrong person and then get confused if it doesn’t work.

(October 24th to November 22nd)

You don’t really fall in love, but look for someone you think can give you deep, dark satisfaction, and if that doesn’t work, you blame him for everything. You fall in love with the wrong men because you don’t choose them out of love. When you are ready to open your heart and let them in, they will come and it will be nice.

(November 23 to December 21)

You never make a right decision when it comes to choosing the right partner. This is interesting because the shooter is known for analyzing everything and always making the right decisions.

But you love to have fun and that’s what gets you in trouble. The person you are interested in today may not have the qualities to have a long-term relationship with you. You are also known for letting go of true love for stupid reasons.

(December 22nd to January 20th)

You are looking for a man who gives your life a purpose and meaning. The Capricorn loves to be with a person whom he perceives as more down-to-earth than himself. It is very reassuring for him to be the one who is not always in charge or who is constantly trying to regulate everything at once.

But this is never an equal partnership because you cannot have a truly free-flowing exchange of love and respect when you use each other to meet unmet needs.

(January 21 to February 19)

You think much too logically about love. You choose partners based on properties that you think are compatible with your own, and while you’re not really wrong with that, you forget that chemistry isn’t rational.

Either it exists or it doesn’t. Working on yourself doesn’t change anything and you can’t control it. You have to understand the fact that the man who is meant for you will have feelings for you and you do not have to understand why.

(February 20 to March 20)

You enjoy life and take everything with humor. You change partners very often and therefore you are not taken seriously. You have to understand that if you are not ready to give up your previous lifestyle, you will not find the type of relationship you are looking for.

Stop worrying about unimportant things, such as whether your partner is tall or not, whether he has money or not, or whether your parents will accept him. You will only be happy if you enter into a relationship with someone who fulfills and supports you without having to show you your love. In other words, let love be free and illogical and let it come into your life when it wants it.

The moment she comes, open your heart to her and let her conquer you. You will be so happy to have done this.

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