Zodiac Signs

Partner horoscope: This is Valentine’s Day for lied zodiac signs

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The planets decide whether we tend to harmony and romance on Valentine’s Day, or whether tensions shape the day

Many couples have marked this date in the calendar, because on February 14th is Valentine’s Day! Many use the day of lovers to celebrate the relationship, to take time for each other or to surprise their loved ones – but does that actually fit your cosmic mood? We took a close look at the experts’ forecasts and explained what the Zodiac Signs can really expect from Valentine’s Day. So much can be revealed: at least one zodiac sign should spend the romantic day alone because Mars and Uranus cause tension …

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Partner horoscope 2019: This is Valentine’s Day for zodiac signs

Your Star sign: Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Aries women love planning something special on Valentine’s Day, but caution is advised. The planets influence that you overdraw your account quickly, Mars also leaves your zodiac sign for love day and leaves nothing but an energy low. So better cancel reservations in the luxury restaurant or the short vacation and make yourself comfortable at home. A little Netflix and cuddling are much nicer anyway.

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Your Star sign: Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Lined bulls experience an ultra-lovely Valentine’s Day because Mars – the planet of passion and romance – is now moving into your zodiac sign. It means having lingerie ready and planning a super romantic evening for two. A nice meal, a glass of champagne later on the couch – it will tingle because you exude pure romance appeal.

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Your Star sign: Gemini (May 21 to June 21)

On Valentine’s Day, the moon lights up the zodiac sign Gemini and brings out your emotional side. The zodiac sign, which is otherwise so keen on fun, variety, and adventure, wants to take it easy and seek deep connections. Talk to your partner openly about this wish and don’t get involved with anything that doesn’t match your soulful mood. An evening on the sofa with great conversations and a glass of wine is optimal and creates a great harmony in the relationship.

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Your Star sign: Cancer (June 22nd to July 22nd)

Crabs may feel stressed, drained, and simply lacking energy all week. You should, therefore, approach Valentine’s Day calmly with your sweetheart. If he sees it the same way, then it can be enjoyed with a movie in the cinema or with a home-cooked dinner. All you need is peace and comfort. There is only a dispute if your partner longs for more excitement and labels you as a boring girl.

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Your Star sign: lion (July 23 to August 21)

On Valentine’s Day, lions feel a bit agitated and irritated by the influence of Mars. Instead of getting lost in these emotions and thereby also triggering arguments, you should better let off steam. Ideal for passionate love with your sweetheart. This ensures a good mood and relieves tension. The evening can turn out to be romantic and sensitive.

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Your Star sign: Virgo (August 22 to

September 23)

Mars and Venus will put you in a perfect Valentine’s day mood on February 14th. Meticulous planning, however, makes romance fizzle out, so you should stay spontaneous and decide together with your partner what the evening should look like. Laughing, going out, dancing – have fun together, because that brings you the heart fluttering between all your everyday obligations like from day one.

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Your Star sign: Libra (September 24th to October 23rd)

Scales should never stay at home with their sweetheart. On this day, the zodiac talks itself quickly into negative topics and is even – quite atypically – out for discussions. A date outside is good for the relationship because it brings a breath of fresh air to your thoughts and feelings.

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Your Star sign: Scorpio (October 24th to November 22nd)

Careful, dear scorpions: Uranus and Mars are all about Valentine’s Day and ensure charged aggressive energy. If you don’t restrain yourself, you maneuver directly into a dispute with your partner. One wrong word is enough and your irritable mood explodes. Romantic dates? Better canceling and exercising on your own. This way you avoid unnecessary relationship stress. And anyway: You can not only eat and cuddle on Valentine’s Day …

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Your Star sign: Sagittarius (November 22nd to December 22nd)

While the moon makes you emotionally happy on Valentine’s Day 2019, Jupiter brings pure happiness. Romance is therefore inevitable, your positive energies ensure great harmony between you and your partner. Whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or not – the zodiac sign will feel super in love in the next few days and can reach a new level in the relationship.

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Your Star sign: Capricorn (December 23rd to January 20th)

Capricorns don’t think much of lovers’ day and find red roses and the like far too kitsch anyway. In 2019, you will even be overwhelmed by the romance, because Venus is in your sign and ensures the pink glasses. You can expect to have a good time with your partner because he will be happy that you finally show your soft side. For a date, you even leave overtime – you should treat yourself to a good meal and use the time together for open discussions.

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Your Star sign: Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

The forecast for Aquarius Valentine’s Day? Cloudy, because the influence of the sun position can cause tension. So better avoid romantic togetherness and plan the evening with friends or together with another couple. Tensions dissolve in society and turn into pure sunshine.

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Your Star sign: Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Pisces have long felt like taking a break because the cosmos constantly challenges the zodiac sign. You long to be spoiled and can react a bit bit**hy if he cannot read this wish from your lips. Our tip: Speak openly with your sweetheart about the topic and plan together. A day in the spa can be booked quickly, or maybe he just wants to do the cooking

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