Zodiac Signs

“I Won’t Sleep With You Until…” Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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Aries (March 21st to April 19th)

“I won’t sleep with you until I feel that special spark.”

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Aries is intense and loves the thrill of the chase. That said, they need to feel fireworks, that special something extra with someone else before they’ll sleep with them. They want passion or nothing at all.

Taurus (April 20th to May 21st)

“I won’t sleep with you until I know we’re serious.”

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Taurus is a grounded earth sign that wants commitment above everything else. Because of this, Taurus isn’t the type of person to embark on one-night stands. As such, Taurus won’t sleep with someone until they know they’re both serious about the relationship.

Gemini (May 22nd to June 21st)

“I won’t sleep with you until I connect with you on an intellectual level.”

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Gemini is infinitely curious and a deep thinker. They have a rich internal life that is just begging to be explored. And when it comes to sex, Gemini must feel an intellectual connection before they’ll sleep with another person. If someone wants to turn Gemini on, they need to use their words and intelligence.

Cancer (June 22nd to July 22nd)

“I won’t sleep with you until I know you’re here to stay.”

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Cancer is an incredibly private, closed-off water sign that takes a long time to open up. They struggle with trust issues and being vulnerable, so sleeping with someone just to sleep with them rarely is on Cancer’s mind. Cancer won’t sleep with someone until they know they’re going to stay a while. They want romance and tenderness, not someone who won’t be there when they wake up the next morning.

Leo (July 23rd to August 22nd)

“I won’t sleep with you until I know you’re pretty much obsessed with me.”

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Leo loves to be admired. Not only that, Leo honestly requires to be doted on and celebrated by anyone they’re going to be intimate with. Leo knows their worth and isn’t willing to compromise their standards for someone who doesn’t show them how excited they are to be with them.

Virgo (August 23rd to September 22nd)

“I won’t sleep with you until I know you’re worth my time.”

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Virgo is busy and doesn’t have time for games. If Virgo is going to sleep with someone, they need to know it’s going to be worth their time. Virgo needs to see that the person in question truly deserves to know them on that intimate level.

Libra (September 23rd to October 22nd)

“I won’t sleep with you until the moment is right.”

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Libra doesn’t think things through when it comes to hooking up. They rely heavily on how they’re feeling at the moment, letting their intuition guide them to the bedroom (or out the door). Being as romantic as they are, Libra will not sleep with someone until it “feels right.”

Scorpio (October 23rd to November 22nd)

“I won’t sleep with you until I trust you.”

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Scorpios is suspicious and always on guard, ready to defend themselves against emotional damage and pain. Scorpio is terrified of being betrayed and getting their heart broken. Because of this, Scorpio won’t sleep with just anyone. Scorpio needs to trust someone on a profound level until they go to bed with them.

Sagittarius (November 23rd to December 21st)

“I won’t sleep with you until I know you’re not clingy.”

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Sagittarius is adventurous and doesn’t want to be tied down. They want to have fun and are down to fool around with the right person. That said, they want to make sure the other person is on the same page before they hook up. Sagittarius doesn’t want someone clingy. They want someone ready to have a fun night (even if it never happens again).

Capricorn (December 22nd to January 20th)

“I won’t sleep with you until I know you’re not sleeping with anyone else.”

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Capricorn is loyal and highly responsible. As such, they won’t sleep with another person unless they know they aren’t sleeping with other people. This is not only because they want to practice safe sex, but because Capricorns don’t vibe with hookup culture. If Capricorn is going to sleep with someone, it’s because they like them.

Aquarius (January 21st to February 18th)

“I won’t sleep with you until you can keep up with my witty banter.”

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Aquarius is a fun and spontaneous lover. They truly love joking around with someone they’re interested in. And if someone wants to sleep with an Aquarius, they need to prove they can keep up with Aquarius’ mind and a great way to do this is through banter and riffing off them. If someone can out-wit an Aquarius, trust that Aquarius is 100 percent down to hookup. For them, that’s the ultimate turn-on.

Pisces (February 19th to March 20th)

“I won’t sleep with you until we have an emotional bond.”

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Pisces needs a foundation of emotional closeness before they can sleep with someone else. Highly intuitive and deeply in touch with their feelings, Pisces wants to feel something big and real and beautiful before they take that next step in the bedroom.

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