Zodiac Signs

Horoscopes For Today: Thursday, January 4, 2024

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Affection, love, and socializing are in the air today for the zodiac signs!

On January 4rd, 2024, we kick the new year off with the Moon in Libra forming a sextile to Venus in Sagittarius. Libra is often associated with social graces and a desire to connect with others and create balance, and Sagittarius is more than fine with being the life of the party. With the Moon and Venus involved in this conversation, we may feel more romantic and flirtatious, as well as more social and open to being closer to those we care about. We may also have a stronger appreciation for art and beauty, even going so far as to change things in our homes.

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You may learn a thing or two from someone today, Aries. With the Moon in your 7th House of Partnerships sextile Venus in your 9th House of Philosophy, Higher Education, and Travel, it’s possible that you could form a crush on someone in one of your classes or connect with someone while on a trip outside of your usual hangout spots. This period could also involve learning more about your beliefs and desires from people you know and trust—whether through some quality time with friends or dealing with someone who treated you poorly. Pay attention to your relationships and how they expand your worldview in personal ways.

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The potential to fall hard and fast is on the table today, Taurus. With the Moon in your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness sextile Venus in your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, you could spark an intense emotional connection—one you want to dive all in for. You could feel as though this person takes you out of your usual routines, or they could be someone you work with or connect with in wellness spaces. Remember that people who help us want to discover ourselves are important, but be careful what you’re willing to risk based on pure feeling.

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Today is full of playful, passionate energy, Gemini. With the Moon in your 5th House of Creativity and Romance sextile Venus in your 7th House of Partnerships, the desire to connect with friends and fully enjoy life is more pressing than usual. You could also feel inspired to create, partially with others. If you’re feeling romantic, that energy is alive and well—plenty of room for flirtation and passion when you put yourself out there, or creating fresh sparks in your current relationship. Know that it’s okay to lean into joy and what brings you to life.

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You are feeling affection in a stay-at-home vibe today, Cancer. With the Moon in your 4th House of Home and Roots sextile Venus in your 6th House of Habits, Routines, you have a soft spot for your home and potentially for those who live in it with you. You could desire to show it off by inviting others over and hosting a little dinner party—when your home is full of laughter and love, it’s a beautiful thing. You also may feel more pressed to do things for others and be of service as much as possible, which may be more well-received today.

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The Art of communication is on your mind today, Leo. With the Moon in your 4rd House of Communication and Local Community sextile Venus in your 5th House of Creativity and Romance, you could be more forward in expressing your feelings to others, particularly those you have an eye on romantically. You may feel more confident to flirt, digitally or IRL, and could have some luck meeting someone at your favorite local hangout spot. Set the nerves aside tonight and see what might happen.

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You may feel like indulging yourself a little today, Virgo. With the Moon in your 2nd House of Income and Values sextile Venus in your 4th House of Home and Roots, you may feel drawn to redecorating or purchasing new items for your home, perhaps to refresh the space for the new year. You may feel it’s time to invest in timeless and quality pieces, and there is something remarkable about buying things meant to last. Keep an eye on your budget, and don’t go overboard—you know the difference between a little splurge and maxing out your cards.

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You could feel more seen by the people you are close to today, Libra. With the Moon in your 1st House of Self and Identity sextile Venus in your 4rd House of Communication and Local Community, you may feel a stronger desire to spend time with your friends or loved ones who live close by or the ones who you’ve grown up with and have known for a long time. You may feel more social going out in your community instead of feeling the need to get out of town. You feel most like yourself when you’re with people who have seen you through change—be open to nostalgia and what it can do for you emotionally.

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You could feel a desire to be in a more supportive role today, Scorpio. With the Moon in your 12th House of Subconscious and Isolation sextile Venus in your 2nd House of Income and Values, you may decide to use money or what you value to help others who are less supported—whether through donation or volunteering your time and energy. You may also feel less emotionally attached to what you used to value and may discern newer values after spending time alone today. Money isn’t everything, but you know when it can do some good, so follow your gut on how best to make it count.

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You’re the life of the party today, Sagittarius. With the Moon in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking sextile Venus in your 1st House of Self and Identity, you’re feeling far more social and wanting to go out than usual. You may feel more like yourself surrounded by your friends or by bringing your charm to the table to get in good with some collaborative partners. You have a way of making others feel at ease, and the sky is the limit for you when you feel you can express who you are, not who you have to be.

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What is your impact, and how can you use it today, Capricorn? With the Moon in your 10th House of Career and Public Image sextile Venus in your 12th House of Subconscious and Isolation, you’re pondering this question more than usual. You may feel a strong need to use your influence to help spread the word or lift those who don’t have as much of a voice. You may want to help people and find ways to use your public standing or leverage at work. You may also take some time to reflect on your current emotions, knowing that you can show up better in the world if you take care of yourself. There is a balance here, and you know how to use it.

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You’re searching for something bigger than yourself today, Aquarius. With the Moon in your 9th House of Philosophy, Higher Education, and Travel sextile Venus in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, you may find yourself seeking out those with stronger faiths or similar ones to your own. Finding people who share your values and beliefs feels more urgent than ever, and you could make some new connections this way. You may also find your friendships expand your worldview and help you see things in a new light. Your faith and beliefs are important, and it doesn’t hurt to be open to what others can teach you.

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You have a lot on your mind today, Pisces. With the Moon in your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources sextile Venus in your 10th House of Career and Public Image, you may feel a strong desire to allow who you are to show up more in your social circles and public connections. You may feel a stronger urge to make more public parts of you that you’ve kept private, but only with those you trust. You may learn the value of connecting with those you work with or having authority figures feel a more personal connection towards you and how they can potentially shape the future. You don’t have to lay all your vulnerabilities on the table, but opening up a little may be more beneficial than you realize

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