Relationship Goals – Zodiac Heist Zodiac Heist Fri, 23 Jun 2023 16:33:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 192434969 How To Deal With A Selfish Girlfriend? Learn About It Fri, 23 Jun 2023 16:33:13 +0000 How you will feel when your girlfriend revolves everything around her and her desires? It is irritating, hurting when she uses “I” in every conversation when a relationship means only her and there is no space for you in her conversation. It becomes very difficult to handle a selfish girlfriend, you need to learn about how to deal with a selfish girlfriend.


1. Talk to them about it:

You don’t want to lose your girlfriend because you love her but you can’t even stay in a relationship with a selfish girl. The first move, go and talk to them about it, tell them how their nature of selfishness is affecting you and your relationship.

2. Try to understand and find out the reason:

After talking to them try to understand why she is like this and what can be done to make things better, how will you help your girlfriend to balance her selfishness and not letting it affect your relationship.

3. Give yourself more attention:

Instead of giving her more attention and attention to her selfishness, give yourself more attention. Focus on yourself, it may help you to ignore her selfish attitude.

4. Motivate them and influence them by your words:

Help them to get rid of what is making them like this. Tell them that the world doesn’t revolve around them only and to fulfill their needs and desires they need a human being too. Used the magic of your words to make them think how they are behaving if you can do that it will help you as it is the way as to how to deal with a selfish girlfriend.

Insecure Girlfriend? Read These 7 Signs Of An Insecure Girlfriend Fri, 23 Jun 2023 16:29:02 +0000 There can be a number of reasons for your girlfriend to be insecure. It is usually that boys are more insecure in a relationship but there are girls too, who are insecure. It can be for various reasons like you both have shared intimate relations too early and who is vulnerable will be insecure or it can even be because you are very active socially. As in any relationship, the first thing that comes is security, so it is sometimes for a girl to feel insecure when she is deeply in love. But if this happens to an extent it may irritate a person. But how to understand that your girlfriend is insecure it may happen that she might not show it or you may not understand those signs of insecurities, so here are 7 signs of an insecure girlfriend.

1. She keeps a check on your call history, social accounts, and your whereabouts:

As soon as you meet, she asks for your phone and starts checking everything from your call history to the inbox, social accounts and if it so, she is insecure. Does she call you and keep questioning about where you are and with whom you are? She tries to check in wherever you go and with whom you are hanging out with. If this happens, it is a sign of an insecure girlfriend, it means you have an insecure girlfriend.

2. She wants to control you and everything around you:

Don’t go there, don’t hang out with them or stop doing this, that, is all these that you get to hear from your girlfriend, like why this t-shirt, why these shoes if so she is insecure, it is a sign of insecure girlfriend who wants to control her boyfriend and everything around him.

3. She wants to be the only one in your life:

Does she get upset when you spend time with your family or friends? Does she make you feel like thinking only about her and no one else if so, she has that insecurity inside her and wants to rule your life? She behaves like she is your world and you don’t have anyone outside it, she wants to be the only person in your life. And when that happens you need to take a healthy step.

4. She is too jealous:

No matter whether you are hanging out with your friends she feels too jealous and your bond with your friends bothers her too much. If she sees a picture of yours with a girl she gets mad. And when all these happens it is a sign that you have an insecure girlfriend.

5. She wants attention and wants you to affirm her always:

She will try her best to gain all kinds of attention she wants. She wants you to focus on her and only her, all your attention should reach her. Every single moment she will try to ask for your love, even after telling her many times about it that you love her, she comes to you with the same question like do you really love me? When she does this continuously it means she is insecure and hardly trusts you. It is one of the signs of an insecure girlfriend.

6. She overreacts in every situation:

Overly drama, overreacting to every single issue, every single situation is what an insecure girlfriend does. She overreacts in every small situation just to seek attention, just to make her boyfriend guilty. It is one of the signs of an insecure girlfriend.

7. She is clingy:

She will keep on calling you, texting you every single minute asking every single detail of what you are doing. She is emotionally dependent on you, she is too clingy. When she becomes too clingy she is insecure and it is one of the signs of an Insecure girlfriend.

7 Signs You’re In The Wrong Relationship Tue, 13 Jun 2023 17:01:43 +0000 Signs You’re In The Wrong Relationship – Here we have highlighted 7 wrong relationship signs which you must read and check if these apply to you or not. And if you feel the same then you must talk to your partner and sort it out ASAP.

1. You’re not being yourself

If you’ve noticed that you’ve lost a lot of what it meant to be you, you might want to step back and reevaluate things. If we’re not growing and changing for the better when we’re with someone or are getting worse, then it’s a sign that things are not right. Your partner should bring out the best version of yourself.

2. You’re not trying

A great way to tell if you want to be in a relationship is whether or not you care. If you’re feeling more and more apathetic as the relationship moves forward, there is no point in throwing time, money, and effort at it, is there? If you’re bored with a relationship and can’t find a reason to care, it’s a sign to move on without each other. Apathy is the opposite of love.

3. You fantasize about being with other people

While you might not be physically cheating on your partner, fantasizing about a life that doesn’t include them is a form of emotional cheating. Daydreams and visions of a better life with someone else, even if they’re not real, are telling that you’re currently unsatisfied.

4. You’re entirely different from each other

If you like to be outside in the mountains all day, but your partner won’t get off the couch for more than five minutes, certain needs and desires will eventually feel unfulfilled if both partners are not okay with the other’s lifestyle. Maybe the two of you met and had an instant connection, but as time went on you started to realize that you don’t have much in common. These differences can be a dealbreaker.

5. You’re starting to resent them

Falling out of love with your partner can happen, but when you start to have feelings of hate or contempt for them, it’s a sign that things are about to get worse. Don’t let yourself become bitter and fearful.

6. You blame each other for everything

You think that everything wrong with the relationship is their fault, while they think the same about you. Of course, you both know that neither person is 100 percent to blame. But you’re not about to let the other person know that. Time to move on. This is the 6th sign that you are in the wrong relationship.

7. You wish you were home alone

You’re in a bad relationship when you find yourself wishing, too often, that your partner wasn’t around. You start to realize that life might be easier and happier without them. When you’re in each other’s presence, things are tense, arguments ensue, and you feel unhappy.

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Friends Before Lovers Tue, 13 Jun 2023 16:52:55 +0000 A relationship is one of the milestones that a person steps in to understand the other person and plan for the future, dream for a bright future. It is something that decides how your love life will be, and when your love life comes in you need to be cautious and take time to understand what a relationship means and what you want from a relationship. And you need to understand, you need to know your partner before going deep into your relationship, and for that, you need to be friends before becoming lovers, it will give you the insight to know your partner better. Here are the reasons why you need to take time in a relationship and be friends before lovers.

1. It will help you to understand each other:

The first benefit of being friends before becoming lovers is that you both will have a deep understanding of each other and will be able to even understand silence which if you are lovers directly may not be possible because you need to spend time together as a friend to understand your friend better.

2. There will be a common interest between you both:

It is obvious that when you spend a lot of time together you both develop some common interests maybe because visiting a commonplace frequently and becoming familiar with it. It will help you to agree on something easily when you have common interests. It is the reason you should be friends before lovers, it builds that mutual understanding, a mutual interest that helps your relationship to grow more healthy.

3. You will know your partner’s strengths and weaknesses:

The best time to understand a person is when you are friends, neither you can hide something from them nor they can. They are open to you and share everything with you which they may not even share with their partners and this is the time to understand their strengths and weaknesses. It will help you both to maintain a balance because you both know where your strength and weakness lie and it will make your bond stronger.

4. Builds trust and helps in better communication:

No one can understand you better than a friend but if you find a friend in a lover how lucky you are because you already have that trust between you both and you are free to communicate everything with your partner.

5. You have lots of memories to cherish and look back on:

You can always turn your pages and cherish those memories you had. It helps you to spend more time together and gives you numerous topics to talk about. It gives you a reason to look back and bring back those smiles once again. And that’s the reason you should be friends before lovers, to store lots of memories before getting into a relationship.

How To Stop Feeling Insecure In A Relationship? 4 Ways Tue, 13 Jun 2023 16:49:24 +0000 Are you trying hard to stop acting insecure in your relationship but failing to do so due to various reasons? You may want to stop behaving that way but you cannot help yourself. Sometimes we are so scared to lose people that we suffocate them with our insecurities, with the fear of losing them. But don’t worry soon you will find ways how to control insecurity in a relationship that will help you to guide yourself in this matter. Here are 4 ways how to stop feeling insecure in a relationship.

1. Focus on building your self-esteem:

Most of the time, the reason behind feeling insecure in a relationship is because you feel that you are lacking somewhere, you are not feeling good about who you are and when it happens you start taking your partner’s help to feel good about yourself. And when your well-being depends on someone’s opinion you start losing yourself and this is the worst feeling ever. This may even let your partner run away from you as it happens to be like a burden. So the first thing you should do as to how to stop feeling insecure in a relationship is to focus on building and boosting your self-esteem, and self-confidence. Being confident about yourself will help you to attract your partner and it will even help you to build your relationship strong.

2. Stay independent, let them be independent:

The moment you are dependent on your partner for your emotional stability, and emotional needs, is the moment when you are giving birth to insecurities. When you no longer control your mind, and your feelings and let your partner control them, you are becoming an insecure person and making your partner too. You need to stay independent, you should depend on your strength, on your own for your happiness, for your emotional needs. Let your partner do the same, there shouldn’t be dependency because when there is dependency there is insecurity. And when you both are independent a healthy relationship that leads. It is one of the best ways how to stop feeling insecure in a relationship.

3. Forget past bad experiences and put effort into making the present relationship better:

In most cases, it happens that just because you have experienced a toxic relationship and a bad experience, you try controlling your present relationship and you make sure that you don’t face the same situation again but in the course of trying this, you are creating a worse situation. You can’t be a prisoner to prison your partner just because your experience was the worst. You should try to learn lessons from it and try to make your present relationship better. The first thing you should do when entering into a new relationship is you should forget your past bad experience. And you should emphasize more in making your present better. It is one of the best ways how to stop feeling insecure in a relationship.

4. Stop overthinking and trust yourself:

Why insecurity rises in a relationship? When one person assumes, creates a situation of their own, and starts imagining it to be a reality. When you overthink every situation and make it a big issue it gives a boost to your insecurities. All you need to do is to stop overthinking and think only about what is necessary and not what will create a havoc situation in your relationship. Trust yourself and the fact that you fit in the relationship, you don’t have to pretend to make your partner happy. You are perfect the way you are. You should not think about your lacking or your partner’s. Focus on the good qualities you both have, you both share. This will make your bond strong, and your relationship better. It is the best way how to stop feeling insecure in your relationship.

8 Signs Of An Insecure Boyfriend Fri, 09 Jun 2023 19:51:29 +0000 It is fine to be protective in a relationship, fine to be concerned at times when you love that person too deeply and is scared to lose them but what happens when this protective nature and concern turns into insecurity, when it captures you in their nature of insecurity, when your boyfriend is too insecure about you. You feel suffocated, you feel imprisoned in a relationship. It does happen when someone tries to get on your nerve and start disturbing you mentally, and emotionally. Here are 8 signs of an insecure boyfriend.

1. He tries to gain your sympathy:

He will try to gain sympathy from all corners, be it if he has to blame his ex and how she treated him or if he has to talk about his friends. Each word of his will asks for sympathy for him. He will try his best to gain sympathy from you and when he does that this is a sign of an insecure boyfriend.

2. He is jealous and uncomfortable with your friends:

Some insecure boyfriend doesn’t want you to hang out with anyone, all they want you to do is to be with them all the time. He feels jealous whenever you are with his friends, especially male friends. He feels very uncomfortable when he sees you hanging out with your friends and when it happens it is a sign of having an insecure boyfriend.

3. He keeps checking your phone, and he stalks your social platform:

As soon as you meet, the first thing he does is goes through your phone, go through your call history, inbox, messenger, WhatsApp, and all the social media platforms. He makes sure that he is on the top list of your chat list. He stalks you on all your social media and what actions you are performing out there. And trust me if this is happening to an extent you should get rid of this spy.

4. He doesn’t give you space, he tries to consume it all:

He will make sure that you give him all your time and you don’t get time for yourself. He won’t give you space, he won’t give you time for yourself. You will feel that he is ruling all your personal space. You will feel like you don’t have privacy, you don’t have your own life you are living for him and only him. If this happens it is one of the signs of an insecure boyfriend.

5. He argues over small things:

Arguments between you both start over small things. He keeps arguing with you all the time no matter whether the issue is too small or doesn’t even need discussion but he starts an argument over it. If he does it all the time, it is one of the signs of an insecure boyfriend.

6. He doubts you all the time for no reasons:

Does he keep checking your gallery, asking lots of questions to you about your friends, about with whom you are with? When he does this and starts doubting you all the time it is automatically stated that he is insecure. And when there is no trust in a relationship it is hard to handle it.

7. He gets too aggressive in a conversation:

Does his mood swing at a faster rate? If he gets too aggressive over little things it is one of the signs of an insecure boyfriend. When he gets aggressive over small issues and tries dominating you all the time. It shows how insecure he is.

8. He stops you from doing many things:

Don’t wear this, don’t go here, don’t hang out with them, don’t post this. When there comes to do’s and don’ts, there automatically shows that insecurity in a person. He cannot stop you from living your life the way you wanted. But if he does, you should take a step back from such a relationship. It may make you empty from within.

How To Tell Someone You Love Them By Your Gestures Thu, 08 Jun 2023 18:03:47 +0000 Sometimes conveying messages verbally proves to be very difficult, especially when it comes to telling someone you like them. It may be easy for some, but some may find it very tough to practice. When you cannot express your feelings with spoken words, express them with your gestures. There are 10 best ways how to tell someone you love them, it is simple and easy that will convey your message without using verbal communication.


1. Make eye contact:

Eye contact is one of the best ways to convey your message non-verbally. It is the way you can use to tell someone you love them. It can even make both the person to fall for each other. Making eye contact with the person you love will give them a signal that somewhere you have something to convey to them or you are probably falling for them.

2. Treat them whenever you get a chance:

You may do it to everyone that comes on your good list and it may not send that kind of strong message for you to them. But when you practice it differently, like giving them priority when it comes to offering them something or asking for their favorite places to visit, or planning a dinner or lunch there. It will make them feel that they are important to you and you like them. So don’t miss a chance when you can treat them.

3. Give them a nickname:

Who do we give a nickname? A person that is close to you or may someone whom you like or love. Exactly, giving a nickname may make a person feel that there is some closeness between you both, and is the best way to tell someone you like them.

4. Text them:

Sending a good morning or a good night text may give a gesture that you care about their lives and want their day to be good. You can even send a text as soon as they leave, asking them to message you once they reach home. It will show your care for them and care comes when you are attached to someone.

5. Remember each special day in their life and let them know about it:

Don’t make the mistake of forgetting their birthdays or any kind of special events of their life because if you like them every single special occasion of their life should be remembered and you should celebrate it with them.

6. Complement them:

You look beautiful or handsome!
This color suits you, yeah that dress was looking awesome on you. Ohh! you cooked it, it is awesome and you gave it a brilliant try!
All these will not only bring a smile to their face but a sense that you are interested in them and whatever you do. It is one of the best ways how to let a girl know you like her because girls love to get compliments.

7. Bring a smile on your face as soon as you see them:

A smile can convey many things at once, just a smile when you see them will make things clear that yes, they are the reason behind your smile. And it is one of the best ways to tell someone that you love them and probably a better way how to tell your crush you like them.

8. Laugh with them:

Best memories are always remembered and sharing laughter with them will make your bond stronger. Even don’t miss a chance to laugh at their jokes, supporting them and enjoying that fun moment together will make both of you feel that somewhere you both like each other.

9. Hang out with them:

Going for an outing, spending time together, planning for a trip, we do all these with people whom we like or love and if you practice it with them, they will get that hint that you have developed a liking for them and a way of how to tell if you love someone.

10. Share everything with them:

This process of sharing every simple thing that happens in your day-to-day life and asking them to share theirs too will help you to build a good relationship and one day you may be successful in expressing your feelings directly to them without hesitating.

All these small, small gestures will be very helpful in conveying your message and how much you love them and want their presence in your life. These ways of how to tell someone you love them can not only be useful but fruitful if you can apply them properly.

10 Things Boyfriend Wants Their Girlfriend To Stop Doing Thu, 08 Jun 2023 17:58:06 +0000 Annoyed Things Boyfriend Wants Their Girlfriend To Stop Doing

Having support, a company in your life is the best thing you can think about, being in a relationship makes you feel it and have such a partner who supports and gives you company. But along with love and support, company relationship brings a few minor stresses. Sometimes you may get irritated by minor things your boyfriend does and you may wish that he stops doing it, exactly like this, there are things a boyfriend wants their girlfriend to stop doing.

1. Complaints:

It is quite common among couples to complain to each other and to be more precise for girls it is quite common, if their boyfriend tends to be late for a few minutes or does something that was not supposed to, they will go on complaining about it throughout the day. But who wants to hear complaints and exactly even this is the thing boyfriend wants their girlfriend to stop doing.

2. Taking a lot of time in makeup:

It is like if you couple plans to go somewhere they end up reaching late due to the time went waiting for their girlfriends because they are busy doing makeup. No doubt make-up is necessary but taking two, or three hours to get ready irritates men to an extent and they want their girlfriends to stop doing it.

3. Giving attention to your friends while hanging with them:

You may find it casual and may be busy on a phone call with your friends while hanging with them or texting your friends giggling and forgetting that you are with them to spend quality time together and not to give attention to your friends. It is one of the things that irritates their boyfriend about their girlfriend but cannot convey it directly to them.

4. Vomiting secrets to their best friend:

A few things they want to be between you both and a man hates when you share your secrets with your best friend as for them, not everyone needs to know everything about and between you two.

5. Calling him to hang out with you along with your friends:

He would love to spend time with you alone rather than spending it with your bunch of friends. Only in rare cases, a boyfriend will love to hang out with her girlfriend’s friends, or else he would feel uncomfortable being around your friends.

6. Getting upset because he cannot understand your silence:

Not everyone is good at understanding nonverbal communication and expecting it from everyone can make you disappointed, it is not necessary that just because he is your boyfriend he should be able to read your mind or understand your silence as sometimes they may fail to do it. Most of the arguments start just because of expecting too much in a relationship. And a boyfriend wants his girlfriend to stop doing it.

7. Nagging:

Sometimes it may sound cute but all the time it gets irritated. A boyfriend doesn’t want his girlfriend to nag about small little things and wants his girlfriend to stop doing it.

8. Mood swings:

Quite common in girls, sometimes he gets irritated with your mood swings and wants you to work on it. Not every time one can handle your mood swings.

9. Two words, ‘’it’s fine’’:

When you are arguing with your partner in the middle of your argument you just state these two words like, it is just fine, which is not going t work at all. He will get more annoyed and a boyfriend doesn’t want their girlfriend to use these words because it is annoying and one should be genuine with their words.

10. Oversharing of social media:

Sometimes it may go extra when a girlfriend tags her boyfriend in every post, he may not like it often and a boyfriend wants his girlfriend to stop doing it. Because things in a limit are better and not above the limit.

These are the things the boyfriend wants their girlfriend to stop doing because sometimes it gets on their nerves.

Expectations Of A Man In A Relationship Thu, 08 Jun 2023 17:51:07 +0000 Expectations are something that pops out in any kind of relationship, without even having a clear picture of it, we start expecting from our close ones, from the people that surround us. And it is quite common and expected to have expectations. Similarly, even in relationships, we have expectations and it is fine to have expectations. It is not only women who have expectations but even man has expectations here is the list of the expectations of a man in a relationship.

1. Freedom:

ItIt’something that everyone wants in every kind of relationship and a man seriously wants and expects it. They want to be in a relationship, but at the same time expects freedom from all kinds of barrier when you are in a relationship you are expected to share everything with your partner, every bit of information as to where and with whom you are going with, and a man expects freedom in this matter.

2. Support and encouragement:

Every being wants a person who will support him or her in all the ups and downs of life and will encourage them whenever needed. Because when you are in a relationship with someone it means you are expected to support their decision and encourage them whenever they are facing any kind of situation. It is one of the expectations of a man in a relationship.

3. Unconditional love:

The most important thing that keeps a relationship healthy and one of the expectations in a relationship is that your partner will love you unconditionally, that your partner will shower you with love and only love. And to be more precise, yes man expects that their girlfriend will love them unconditionally because conditions are a barrier in a relationship when it comes to love.

4. Committed and loyal:

Who doesn’t have these expectations and who doesn’t want to see them converting into a reality it is because of this that a relationship moves forward and reaches its beautiful phase. A man wants his partner to stay committed and loyal without turning her eyes around and searching for something better. And it is one of the most important expectations in a relationship, which almost everyone has with a relationship.

5. Understanding him and giving attention to him:

Like woman, even man wants their better half to understand them, their decisions, and their conditions and support them with it. He even wants the complete attention of his partner and expects it to happen.

6. Intimacy:

Once you share that bonding with someone that you can share anything that means your relationship has reached a phase where expectations become higher. A man expects intimacy in a relationship and wants his partner to understand it.

These are the expectations of a man in a relationship and want to see them turning into reality.

8 Qualities Of A Healthy Relationship Thu, 08 Jun 2023 17:44:09 +0000 What is the basis of a healthy relationship?
Trust, mutual understanding, and many more define how healthy your relationship is, and your feelings for it.
Exactly, your feelings towards your relationship define how healthy it is? a relationship is a strong bond, and forming and continuing it requires several requirements where trust stands first and mutual understanding the second on the list. If you want to know how healthy your relationship is, here are 8 qualities of a healthy relationship, if your relationship is healthy, you can relate to it.

1. Trust:

The basis of a healthy relationship is trust, it is one of the most important qualities of a healthy relationship. If you can trust your partner blindly and your partner can do the same means your bond is very strong and it’s a sign of a healthy relationship.

2. Mutual understanding:

If there is no understanding, misunderstanding will take place and when misunderstanding takes place nothing remains healthy, forget about relationships. Understanding each other even when you are at your downfall is what makes your relationship strong and beautiful. If you have a mutual understanding with each other then it is one of the qualities of a healthy relationship.

3. Excellent communication:

A healthy relationship means you have excellent communication between you both. And if you both can communicate freely and can communicate with each other about everything, your relationship is a healthy one.

4. Empathy towards each other:

If you sympathize with the pain and sorrow of your partner, without getting into their shoes somewhere your way of expressing your love is not appropriate, because you should be empathetic towards the pain and grief of your loved ones, you should feel that pain, and understand them being in their shoes and not just watch from a distance. If you are empathetic towards your partner, it is one of the qualities of a healthy relationship.

5. Commitment:

This is something that lacks in relationships and the major cause of heartbreaks. It is hard to find someone who can stick to their words, and their principles and be committed to a relationship. If your partner is loyal and committed to you, and doesn’t flip their eye here and there consider yourself to be the lucky one, because yes, your relationship is a healthy one.

6. Appreciation:

You can grow your relationship healthy only if you know how to help each other through appreciation. If you enjoy appreciating your partner whenever they do something good or encourage them to do something productive, you are with someone who can keep you happy and will be the reason behind your growth.

7. Willing to share and forgive:

You can only share everything with the one with whom you are close. In fact, very close, and if you can share everything with your partner or is willing to share and vice versa. And is ready to forgive and forget your mistakes and things that may affect you both then yes, it is one of the qualities of a healthy relationship.

8. Intimacy:

Only if all the above is well in your relationship you can develop that intimacy with your partner and it makes the relationship stronger. Intimacy is a sign that your relationship is a healthy one.
