Zodiac Signs

The 6 most forgetful zodiac signs. Remembering something is not one of their strengths

The 6 most forgetful zodiac signs. Remembering something is not one of their strengths.

You don’t necessarily have to be an old person to have a bad memory. Some people have so many different things on their minds that they find it difficult to keep everything together. Their thoughts are so crowded that there is simply no space for things that they themselves do not consider to be so important.

There are truly forgetful zodiac signs that have to be constantly reminded of something. Here are the most forgetful people by far under the zodiac signs. Is yours with you?


The ram does not usually have a very long attention span because it often deals with many things at the same time. He rarely focuses on one thing, which is why it is incredibly difficult for him to remember things that are not 100% focused on.

In the head of Ram, there is always a “race” about which thought is most important to him and, like in any other race, there is only one winner. And then he remembers this one thought, while everyone else is forgotten.


The shooter’s memory is known to remember only half of a story or information. They may remember a nice evening with you, but not exactly where you were or what movie you saw together, they only know that it was a nice evening with you.

Shooters remember the big picture, but rarely the details. Sometimes they tend to misrepresent the details just to avoid realizing that they forgot. The Sagittarius is from the bottom up in Optimist, which is why he really thinks he remembers, even though he isn’t.


The lion’s memory tends to be overcrowded. His perception of events and memories is very much shaped by his personal experiences, his convictions, and his gut feeling. Basically, that means he remembers something as he sees fit and that is rarely as it really is.

For example, if he was angry or otherwise emotional while something happened that he needs to remember, it will be very difficult for him to remember correctly. However, he will clearly remember his anger or emotion that he had during the event.


Pisces people tend to spend a lot of time in their past, so they often miss things that happen in their presence. Their memory is therefore often very faulty or has large gaps because their heads were completely different at certain events.

Sometimes it can also happen that they are able to persuade themselves in their imagination that they can remember and therefore they simply “invent” a memory and then tell themselves that it is true. Pisces people are very creative and have a vivid imagination and for this reason, it is not wrong for them to paint a memory so that they feel comfortable in it.


Twins are the typical people who always “have it on their tongues” but can’t figure it out. They know very well that they are about to remember, but they fail. It can be very frustrating to always know somehow but not be able to pronounce it.

The twin is constantly faced with remembering something but is unable to do so. And in the evening when he is lying in bed, he remembers what he tried to say hours ago.


Aquarius is considered intelligent and eloquent and he has a memory that often suffers from “temporary overcrowding”, which means that if he has a phase in which he learns a lot or has to work with his head, this then only works incorrectly his Sparetime. In such a phase, the Aquarian mind erases all information that is considered unimportant. For this reason, Aquarius can sometimes seem forgetful or “next to the cap” because he is either overworked or his mind is “mucking out” at the moment.

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