Zodiac Signs

These 5 zodiac signs indicate everything (but we still love them)

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Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The Aries was born for competitions and almost always lands in first place, so the Aries woman has plenty of reason to show off. If she got a promotion at her job, you will celebrate for weeks.

If your soccer team beats yours in the preliminary round, you will still hear about it after the final – even if your team has not made it this far. She has worked hard for many of the things she brags about, so you can’t really blame her for wanting to celebrate her success. But sometimes she celebrates a little too much – so her friends are there to keep her on the floor.

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Bull (April 20 – May 20)

The bull is a big fan of material things and will always have the latest and greatest. So while the bull woman may not be using words, you’ll still notice how she puts the latest iPhone on the table at lunch – even though she only bought a new one half a year after the screen cracked.

She always seems to be wearing the most extravagant outfits, but you only see her wearing the clothes once. You wonder how big your closet has to be to accommodate all of these shirts. And of course she also invites you to her home all the time, so that she can casually show you her perfectly furnished home. But that’s fine – so you’re never the one who has to clean up when the guests are gone!

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Lion (July 23rd – August 22nd)

The lioness is ALWAYS the woman who can contribute a story to the conversation. She doesn’t necessarily try to relate everything to herself, but she thinks she has something important to contribute. “When I was here and there …” or “My friends and I used to go to school …”.

It sounds like showing off, but she actually just thinks you want to hear her stories. Okay, maybe she brags a little too … she doesn’t just think you should hear her stories, she more or less knows that she will change your life with whatever comes out of her mouth. In the relationship, she is just pretty confident.

“Click Here to Find Leo Man Secrets You Need To Know”

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

The shooter will utter everything that comes to mind, almost unfiltered. And she has no problem pushing someone out of the spotlight when she realizes that she has something bigger and better to share with the group. However, people cannot help but find their contribution great. So does she indicate? Yes. But nobody cares because she always knows the very best stories.

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Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th)

The Capricorn woman is probably the Klugscheißerle and the omniscient friend in the group. She is incredibly smart and has probably been able to choose between the best courses and universities, but then opted for a good university in a small town nearby, so that on the one hand she can show off with her great education, on the other hand with her wise decision that suits her Saves rent and travel costs.

And even if you have a lot of fun with her, you would never suggest a quiz evening. She is probably always faster than you with the answer and later states how easy the questions were and that she hardly felt the need. Of course it’s different when she’s on a team with you. In that case: always bring it on.

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