4 Zodiacs With Memories Of Their Past Lives

Like a billion glimmering stars, the future shines a light on us, casting shadows that stretch beyond us toward our dark and distant past.

At this moment, you are the culmination of all you have been in the past. The past built you. And what you are today is a prediction of everything you will be in the future.

The belief in reincarnation—that each of us is an immortal soul passing through several bodies as a form of spiritual evolution—spans the globe. In the West, the ancient Greek philosophers Socrates, Pythagoras, and Plato all taught that the soul never dies, only the body. In the East, India birthed several religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism, all of which teach that karma, which is a moral law of cause and effect, guide one’s purification journey through several lives.

Here are four zodiacs whose celestial fortunes incline them to reach into the past and grasp the magical wonder of their past selves.


Sometimes soothing and sometimes terrifying, our dreams serve as magical windows into our past. Dreams tell us stories about ourselves, ones so profound that we need to experience them while lying down and with our eyes closed. Dreams are a key to unlocking long-forgotten memories. They give us clues about who we were, the joys and sorrows we endured, and how we wound up right where we are now. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet that guides dreams and illusions. If you’re a Pisces, you may have noticed that you dream about facing obstacles while simply trying to get home. Don’t give up. You’re halfway there.


Ruled by Pluto, the dwarf planet that guides death, transformation, and rebirth, Scorpios are naturally oriented to peer through the dark web of the unobserved and into their distant past. Imagine a trip from Earth to Pluto as you curl up and hurtle three billion miles away into our solar system’s darkest reaches, excavating what has been long-buried and seeing what has long remained unseen. Once Scorpio has gained a clear vision of who they were in the past, they will understand who they are now, and they will face the future with a laser-focused intensity on the elevated soul they plan to become.


Ruled by the Moon, which guides memories, insight, compassion, and maternal instincts, Cancer loves to climb back through their family tree’s branches to see where they lead. A water sign thought to be the most emotional out of all the zodiacs, Cancer seeks to understand their past selves in the noble quest to find emotional stability. They need to learn how to heal their psychic scars. Reincarnation, if you really think about it, is nothing more than an extended journey of self-healing.


A fiery and endlessly curious sign, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, which governs wisdom. Sag’s tireless journey to reconnect with their past selves is a bold fact-finding mission. They seek to understand who they were in the past, but especially to learn from their mistakes. Having gleaned sufficient wisdom from their past lives, they will be ready to decide what sort of bold moves to take so they can catapult themselves somewhere over the rainbow into a magical land of milk and honey.

4 Zodiacs With Memories Of Their Past Lives
4 Zodiacs With Memories Of Their Past Lives





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