Zodiac Signs

4 Zodiacs Who Will Have The Best Single Girl Summer

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There are no tears this summer. Just because you’re single, that doesn’t mean you can’t have an epic time out in the sunshine and on the water. Who needs partners anyway? For the following four zodiac signs, you’re amazing at embracing your single status and are bound to have the best Single Girl Summer ever.


You’re not going to let anything stop you from living the epic life you deserve. Single? Who cares! And honestly, you’d rather spend the summer single anyway. If you were in a relationship, you’d have to be on the same page on every decision. It makes spontaneous road trips and wild summer evenings under the stars decidedly less likely to happen. So embrace all your unique Aries traits to have the best Single Girl Summer ever. Be impulsive. Make rash decisions. Get into [a little bit of] trouble. Oh the stories you’ll be able to tell once September hits.

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Honestly, you’d prefer to be single for the summer. Consider it freeing your wrists after a comfy cuffing season. Now you can be free. It’s time for bold adventures with your best friends and fellow single girls. Your ideal Single Girl Summer features flings-a-plenty as you flirt with every hottie that walks past your beach towel. By the end of the summer, you’ll be deeply tan with a fresh list of people you’ve kissed. What could be better than that?

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It’s really difficult to go on adventures when you’re tethered to someone. You’d rather be able to just pick up and leave this summer, so being single is the perfect way to enter these warmer months. Want a last-minute trip to Costa Rica? A spontaneous backpacking trip? Or even just a day at the beach with your girls? Reading in a hammock in a park? No asking for permission for you. You can do whatever you want with your Single Girl Summer.

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Would you prefer to be in a relationship this summer? Sure. Unlike the other signs on this list, you’re not normally that happy being single. Then again, you’ll jump at any opportunity to make this sunny summer extra special. You might as well turn your annual “hot girl summer” into a “single girl summer” to embrace the fact that you’re alone. It’s the only way to channel that main character energy you’re always drawn to. (And who knows? Maybe all that carefree confidence will lead you to finding love anyway.)

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