Zodiac Signs

The 4 zodiac signs with the worst temperament

For some people, the fuse simply blows faster.

Everyone has days when they feel more irritable than usual. We have all experienced that a little something like spilled coffee or a paper jam in the printer practically completely ruined our day. Sometimes people are more irritable because they haven’t slept enough or haven’t had lunch yet.

On days like this, just about anything can annoy someone. Most people would say that some days are just not good days.

However, some people are simply MUCH more temperamental than others – for example, the type of person who spruces up their friends just because they canceled tonight. Most people would just accept that, but some of us just can’t handle the disappointment.

If someone around you regularly has calm discussions degenerating into angry arguments, you probably have a really bad temper. Expressing anger is not a bad thing in itself, but if you let out the slightest disagreement on your friends’ bad mood, it’s probably not a good sign.

There are healthier ways to express anger. Different people react to situations and conflicts in different ways and each of us knows someone with an irritable temper.

When dealing with someone with a hot temper (or just looking in the mirror), sometimes it is best to be patient and wait until the other has calmed down and you can speak to him again without being shouted at.

If you are someone with a fiery temper, you should be mindful of what your anger does to other people.

Since each zodiac sign has a different personality, each zodiac sign shows its anger in a different way.

Read on to find out which zodiac signs have the worst temperament.

1st Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries are known to be impulsive and aggressive. They like to compete and are easily frustrated. When faced with conflict and annoyance, they react with anger.

You don’t have much patience. A ram, for example, is very likely to swear extensively if he has to deal with heavy traffic or busy tracks on the way to work.

2. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Crayfish are emotional and sensitive. They are quickly upset. Crayfish are also pessimistic and suspicious. They tend to have extensive tantrums during arguments with friends or partners.

For example, if a cancer woman is not invited to a party, she will likely send angry texts to the host the next day or even attack her publicly on social media.

3rd lion (July 23 – August 22)

It is not easy for lions to stay calm! They are loud and violent. The smallest little thing can totally upset you.

For example, if a friend borrows a top and returns it with a small stain, lions are likely to start a full-blown, loud argument. They are known for making a big scene in public because of trifles.

4th Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpions are assertive and energetic. If things don’t go the way they want, they can get extremely angry. Some scorpions can even become violent. When scorpions have a tantrum, they tend to scream and break things.

Be careful the next time you are near an angry scorpion!

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