Zodiac Signs

3 zodiac signs that break their partner’s heart and Finish a relationship very quickly

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So, here are 3 zodiac signs that are so afraid of commitment and pain that they would rather break their partner’s heart themselves than allow it to happen to themselves:

Aquarius: Runaway lover

You must give Aquarius small doses of love day after day. If you show him the ocean of your love on your third date, you can watch his heels sparkle as he runs away from you. As one of the most elusive signs of the zodiac, he prefers to live on his own terms and do what and when he wants. If the situation gets serious too quickly, Aquarius runs away from it. If he feels that he is being tied, he breaks the connection without regret. It’s not that he wants to be alone forever. It’s just that he takes relationships so seriously that he will not bind himself with long-term obligations to just anyone. He will be alone until he finds a partner who will become his whole world.

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Gemini: Anxious Coquette

Gemini, contrary to popular belief, loves romance. They just want it with many people, instead of being faithful to just one person. This does not mean that they are cheaters, just Gemini is used to diffusing their charm and attention to everyone around them. If you allow Gemini to freely charm everyone they date without jealousy, you will be surprised how much they will bond with you. The problem is, that most people just can’t handle it. Understanding and assessing Gemini’s needs requires a special understanding of them, and if you don’t cope with their social and good-natured nature, they will feel suffocated and will go in search of another, more understanding partner.

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Sagittarius: Wild Animal

Sagittarius prioritizes his insatiable thirst for adventure, and in romantic relationships, too. Discovering new things, traveling, meeting different people, and learning something – that’s what Sagittarius needs to be happy. A long-term relationship requires compromise and sacrifice, but none of this is consistent with the principles of Sagittarius. This does not allow him to stay with someone for a long time. However, if he meets someone independent and willing to accompany him on various adventures, he will forever remain with him. Sagittarius definitely wants to find their soul mate. He just realizes that his soul mate is wandering somewhere, waiting to be found. His betrothed is not waiting for him at home, fearing stepping out of her comfort zone.

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